About us
SnillBonde is the online store for Rubbestad farm in Bømlo. Garden is a family business, run by us, Marianne Særsten and Jan Sigve Særsten Robberstad.
We have been beekeeping since the 1970s . In 2012, I took over the family farm. Since then, we have developed strong brands in our SnillBie, GodtLam and GodKu product series.

For us, it is important that the animals are well. Everything I do is driven by care and love for the animals, the farm, nature and the landscape around us.
It is also important for us to take care of traditions and knowledge about farming, animal husbandry and food production. We have gathered a lot of knowledge about this, which is not written down anywhere, but which has been passed down to us through generations.
Together, this makes the product from SnillBonde a pure, noble product, produced in a sustainable way and with care, traditions and time as the most important ingredients.
Thank you for choosing to shop with us!
Marianne & Jan Sigve